Cadastral GIS databases are key sources of information in many areas. Using geospatial solutions, data on land parcels, buildings and apartments concerning location, shape, ownership, value, legal regimes, land use and history of changes become valuable information for numerous categories of users. That information is vital for a society that strives for:
1. Municipal management services and good governance,
2. high quality planning and rapid economic development,
3. fair taxation,
GIS based solutions for cadastral information management and exchange link technical description of parcels, physical objects and encumbrances with registered legal relationship of properties and owners.
Land registration
Land registration guarantees security of ownership and other rights on land and objects on that land. It is also key mechanism of the society in turning property’s inherent market and usability capital value into money. GIS solutions for land registration support are proven in many countries for their reliability, innovation and integration with GIS technology.
Real estate valuation
Valuation of land has traditionally been understood under cadastral records creation and management in many countries through history. It is used for taxing purposes, but also for mortgages in bank and for asset management in governments and large companies.
Use of GIS solutions in land valuation enables the value assessment function of government to be concurrent with spatial data that is relevant to the valuation model. GIS adds value to land valuation models by placing added value on property that has.
Information sharing
In the value chain of the cadastral information the highest added value comes with distributing the data efficiently and timely to the end users in the form that suits their needs. Obviously it is Internet in these days that GIS solutions use primarily for distribution of the cadastral information.
Great Info. for GIS. Thanks.